Supporting Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Article by Moody Neuro

Texas’ Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is one of the most important funding sources for survivors of brain injury.  Many insurance companies will not fund certain rehabilitation services, effectively removing survivors’ access to vital opportunities to receive professional care as they struggle through recovery.  Still other survivors were without insurance at the time of their injuries and have no means to pay for necessary therapies.  For many brain injury survivors, DARS is simply the only funding source which will allow them to access the intensive rehabilitation that they need.

As the Texas House and State Legislature are working on the 2016-17 State budget, there is a proposal to fund brain injury and spinal cord survivors on the DARS waiting list.  This would allow for almost 100 more survivors to receive treatment.  Please click on the link below and sign the petition to help bring treatment to these survivors.

Learn about all of the Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute’s brain injury treatment services.