
Leveraging a portfolio of advanced treatment technologies and equipment to help patients regain independence and an enhanced quality of life.

Kevin Sorbo Is a Survivor

Frankie Muniz

We usually associate having a stroke as a medical condition of older age.  However, it is possible for a younger...

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Kevin Sorbo Is a Survivor

Helmet Safety

As a therapist at a post-acute brain injury treatment facility, I often find myself cringing when driving down the...

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Kevin Sorbo Is a Survivor

Smoking and Strokes

There are many reasons to stop smoking, but new research from South Korea adds one more. A recent study conducted...

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Kevin Sorbo Is a Survivor

Please. Don’t. Help.

Perhaps the hardest part of the rehabilitation process for family members is watching their loved one struggle. ...

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Kevin Sorbo Is a Survivor

Confabulation Vs. Lies

Every so often a patient's family will report to the Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute that since the patient's...

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