
Leveraging a portfolio of advanced treatment technologies and equipment to help patients regain independence and an enhanced quality of life.

Congratulations Dr. Jennie Ponsford!

Who Needs To Know

Brain injuries do not solely affect the brain injury survivor but will also impact the survivor’s...

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Congratulations Dr. Jennie Ponsford!

You Should Remember

“You should remember.  I told you this an hour ago!”  “You should remember.  We've been talking...

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Congratulations Dr. Jennie Ponsford!

Can I Drive Yet?

One of the most common questions a patient will ask the Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute staff is when that...

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Congratulations Dr. Jennie Ponsford!

Paying For Treatment

Engaging in rehabilitation can be a costly enterprise.  Often, insurance will not pay for rehabilitation or will...

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