What Are the Best Practices for Effective Concussion Recovery?

Article by Moody Neuro

There is increasing awareness about the significant risk of long-term issues associated with concussions. Concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury, and it can cause a range of symptoms, including balance problems, confusion, weakness, trouble walking, difficulty speaking, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, double vision, and headaches.
Treating concussions effectively provides the best option for recovery. There are different possibilities to consider based on the severity of the TBI and the symptoms experienced by the individual. Seeing a doctor is the first step in the process, and then following all recommendations and treatment options is the next step.

Rest as Required

In most cases, a 48-hour rest period for the brain and eyes is recommended. This means avoiding TV, reading, or working or playing on a computer or device. If work includes these activities, it may be important to take days off based on your doctor’s recommendations.
Avoid bright sunlight and stay away from crowds, loud noises, or any type of stimulating environment.

Therapy Options

Some individuals benefit from physical therapy after a concussion. This is effective in improving coordination, blood flow and circulation, and to help to regulate heart rate and restore normal body functioning that may be impacted by the swelling in specific areas of the brain. This exercise should only be completed with the support of a physical therapist and based on the specific presenting symptoms of the individual.
Patients may also benefit from occupational therapy and speech and language therapy to help with communication, activities of daily living and cognitive performance.
Concussions can have long-term effects. Moody Neurorehabilitation Institute provides effective treatments to help you recover. For more details on our programs, contact us online or call 409-797-1477.